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Republic denied

Addressing political theory both past and present, this extended essay studies the personalities that have affected Canada’s social and political history. It examines numerous factors in the success or failure of various governments in order to learn from the past. A major focus of this political study is the concept of metissage, which is the mixing of culture and race.

« …there is a country where the monarchy did not have to make a comeback. In fact, it never left it and was actually preserved as though in a winter garden. This country of kings where history and unique geography offer sanctuary to the greater glory of the monarch is Canada. »

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Oeuvre traduite
Parution: 2002
Editeur: Guernica
Pages: 176
Prix: 20€
Dimensions: 12*20
Vente: Directe

Republic denied

 » The book is much more than a political treatise ; it is a blue print for a new governance ».

Daniel Sloate, Canadian writer