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The coincidence ( English)

With this psychological thriller, award-winning author Fulvio Caccia continues a trilogy that began with « The Gothic Line ». Jonathan and Leila are two strangers who meet coincidentally in Paris. Soon, their budding romance leads them to discover that they share more than attraction. A dark episode took place between them, and will send their reality into a downward spiral.

Translated by  Robert Richard

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Oeuvre traduite
Parution: 2015
Editeur: Guernica
Pages: 116
Prix: 20€
Dimensions: 12*20
Vente: Directe

The coincidence ( English)

« A captivating novel quest located between the myth of Orpheus and the return of Dante’s hell »

Emmanuel Kherad, radio (France Inter)

« …Above all a book on the search/hunt for the spiritual, in homage to Rimbaud surely, Cocteau. of course, and in the tradition of the great writers… »

Kentaro Okuba, Combats-magazine